Willpower Is Not Enough….A 3-Step Strategy for Success in Early Recovery

February 4th, 2018 Posted by Addiction Recovery, Life Coaching 0 thoughts on “Willpower Is Not Enough….A 3-Step Strategy for Success in Early Recovery”

If you’re in early recovery from addiction or considering whether you really have a problem, you’re probably wondering what life might be like without your drug of choice. Maybe you know some people who have tried or are in recovery and you wonder why it seems easy for some and so hard for others. 

Will my life still be fun? Who will I spend time with?

How will I be able to quit?

These are questions I asked myself when I was in early recovery 11 years ago and my coaching clients ask me the same questions today. Could I do it? How would I change? Would I have the strength to quit? And many of us hope that we’ll have enough willpower to get through what we imagine to be an almost impossible challenge.

Yet, willpower is not enough!

Research indicates that people who are most successful with addiction recovery rate themselves as high in willpower and have developed effective strategies to change themselves and their environment.

As a Life Coach working with folks in early addiction recovery, I empower clients to create a successful recovery program and a successful, satisfying life. My coaching system teaches clients a three-phase process that helps them get started and stay on course:

Phase One: DEFINE

“Awareness is the starting point of every quest and the outcome of every journey.”

  • Identify your values, strengths, skills, and passions.
  • Embrace your past “wins” and how you might use what you learned.
  • Create your vision with a “recovery perspective” that impacts all parts of your life.

Phase Two: DESIGN

You gotta start somewhere! If you don’t, you probably won’t get anywhere”.

  • Map new routines for each part of your life that support your recovery.
  • Assess your personal, professional and community resources that support your health.
  • Plan small steps for initiating changes and accessing resources.

Phase Three: DELIVER

“The secret to getting ahead is getting started”.

  • Take the first small step and ask accountability partners to help you stay on track.
  • Identify your personal signs that will let you know you’re “successful”.
  • Make adjustments to your plans as needed and re-engage!

Sound simple? Well, it is…and it’s the hardest thing you might ever do. The bonus with this process is that you can use it to create what you want in all parts of your life.

It’s a process that works for big or small decisions. Whether you want to lose weight, find a new career or rebuild relationships with loved ones, you can be successful if you:

  • DEFINE what you want and the assets you bring to the table
  • DESIGN the small steps to follow, along with your resources and barriers
  • DELIVER on your commitment with help from others and a willingness to “fine-tune”


If you’re ready to explore how you can embrace and manage your recovery, schedule your free consultation with Lorie today.


LO Group Inc. supports the visions of individuals and organizations whose mission is to create profound, healthy, and sustaining solutions for embracing life in recovery.

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